Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PLEASE HELP!! WHAT KIND OF PERSON AM I?? I don't feel like an individual.?

I feel like a clone that adopts personality traits from the people I associate with. I find myself imitating others and even talking like them at times. I've been aware of this for a very long time but I wonder why. I feel like I am never true to myself and I just leech my way off others. I use similar hand gestures, I begin to use similar speech patterns, I even use the same words, I just become a clone and I don't know how to be any other way. I suppose it could be because a lot of my friends dislike and or don't show interest in things I like. I have never really found something I absolutely hate, I am pretty much open to anything and even if their topic of interest isn't my cup of tea at first I will ultimately accept it and appreciate it for what it is, whatever it is. I question whether or not I am an individual and feel that I have lost whatever little creativity I had. I feel like a product not even an individual. When people say be true to yourself I don't know where to begin. Advice, pointers, help, can anybody relate?

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